
السبت، 25 مارس
This protest is being organized to raise awareness about the historic Chalice Quilt, which was created by enslaved Williams family members on the Mimosa Hall plantation in Leigh,Texas, during the 1800s

الوقت والموقع
25 مارس 2023، 10:30 ص – 12:30 م
Karnack, 9403 FM 134, Karnack, TX 75661, USA
نبذة عن الحدث
The Chalice Quilt has been held hostage by the British Government and the American Museum and Gardens for 40 years in the UK. The Williams family, who were enslaved on the Mimosa Hall plantation, is demanding its immediate return, along with restitution for their enslavement.
We are looking for volunteers who can help with organizing the event, spreading the word on social media, distributing flyers, and engaging with the public. This is a unique opportunity for students to be part of a historic movement that seeks to right a historical wrong and promote healing and reconciliation in our country.