Ed Gray The Commish
Ryhmien toiminta: Viimeiset 30 päivää
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Welcome to the group! You can connect with other members, get updates and share videos.
Ryhmän säännöt
ThizzTV Social Group Rules
ThizzTV Social Group Rules Welcome to the ThizzTV community! To keep this space respectful, engaging, and beneficial for everyone, please follow these guidelines: Be Respectful: Treat all members with kindness and respect. Bullying, harassment, hate speech, or personal attacks will not be tolerated. Stay On-Topic: Ensure your posts are related to ThizzTV content, travel, tourism, and entertainment. Off-topic posts may be removed. No Spam or Self-Promotion: Avoid posting irrelevant links, advertisements, or self-promotional content unless approved by the admins. Respect Privacy: Do not share personal information about yourself or others without consent. Post Quality Content: Share thoughtful, informative, or entertaining content that adds value to the group discussion. No Explicit Content: Keep it family-friendly. Content containing violence, nudity, or offensive language is strictly prohibited. Constructive Criticism Only: If you’re offering feedback on ThizzTV projects, do so constructively and respectfully. Report Issues: If you notice posts or behavior violating these rules, report them to the admins instead of engaging directly. Follow Admin Guidance: Admin decisions are final. Please respect their efforts to maintain the group’s integrity and purpose. Have Fun: This is a space to connect with fellow fans, travelers, and creators. Share your experiences, ask questions, and enjoy! Violations of these rules may result in post removal or removal from the group. Le
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1. elokuuta 2023